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Wedge-Shaped Coastline Indentation

Wedge-shaped coastline indentation crossword clue. A quick clue crossword in Daily Telegraph newspaper on 11 September 2017. 3 letters

The answer: RIA

Wedge-shaped coastline indentation example

With the hurricane season just days old, now is the time to develop a plan to use in case a hurricane targets the Beaches, officials said. Duval and St. Johns counties, along with the Beaches cities, have plans to help citizens prepare before a storm forms, to manage any evacuation and to return home after the storm has passed. I come from the Midwest. I have never been through a hurricane, so I have no idea what it's like. But I have a healthy respect for any force of nature. While many think the northeast coast of Florida is protected by the coastline indentation some call the Georgia bite, along with the Gulf Stream being farther from shore, Thompson said that is not true.

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