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Moves to Different Place

Moves to different place crossword clue crossword clue, 9 letters. A quick crossword last seen in Daily Telegraph on 28 Sep 2017.

The answer: Relocates

Moves to different place in sentence

After that the City Mayor declares martial law and she kills him in front of Capital building. She literary owns the city and the government decided to pull off the funding - schools, roads etc. start to crumble and then the Hurricane (called by the locals Hurricane Cassandra) comes and destroys whole city (because no infrastructure to prevent it was working). Half of population of New Bordeaux die, other half moves to different place. The FBI guy said that its amazing how major American city can be reduced to rubble. No one saw Cassandra ever after, some argued that she was killed in the hurricane, others argued that she still runs pathetic remnants of what is left of New Bordeaux.

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