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Reverentially Fearful Crossword

Reverentially fearful crossword clue,4 letters. A crossword crossword in Daily Telegraph  last seen on 14 Sep 2017.

The solver: AWED

Reverentially fearful in example

For, TRINACRIA, since 2009, has represented the purest possible application of those immemorial principles which underlie the entire tradition of Western European poetry in its noblest and most enduring manifestations. I can say that I have been reverentially fearful even of approaching so intransigent a publication as TRINACRIA whose delightfully sniffy, unyielding standards are the very salvation of English verse and the future of Anglophone poetry in general. Indeed, I have stated in my own interview with Mr. Mantyk that no one has the right to compose a sonnet in English who has not first recited one in Italian.

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