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Tropical Long-Tailed Parrot

Tropical long-tailed parrot crossword clue. A quick clue found in Daily Telegraph Sydney puzzle on 28 Aug 2017. 5 letters.

Answer: MACAW

Tropical long-tailed parrot crossword clue in sentence

The information on the relationships among New World parrot species is scarce; the species can be separated according to their tail morphologies as long or short (Sick 1993, p. 703). These two groups can also be recognized by their peculiar behavior: long-tailed parrots generally live in the midstrata of trees and usually fly down to feed on the ground, while short-tailed parrots inhabit the canopy and are rarely seen on the ground (Monto´n 1977). The karyotypic characteristics of some long-tailed species also separate them from short-tailed ones (Valentine 1990).

None of these species were included in the time-constrained tree. Assuming that bird orders diverged around 100 MYA (Hedges et al. 1996; Cooper and Penny 1997) and using the time constrained tree (fig. 5), we estimate the date of the split between the tropical long-tailed parrot genera and M. undulatus to be around 76 MYA (table 4) and the separation of these New World genera to be between 27 and 20 MYA. The standard errors in table 4 were calculated using the time-constrained maximum-likelihood data.

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