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Habitual Dwellings Crossword Clue

Habitual dwellings crossword clue. 5 letters. A Daily Telegraph Australia newspaper quick crossword puzzle on Wednesday, 30 Aug 2017.

The answer: HOMES

Habitual dwellings crossword clue in sentences

Habitual dwelling resident. It is the person who usually lives in a dwelling, provided that he has lived there for over six months at the time of the interview. However, it will be considered as habitual resident anyone who has lived or stayed in the dwelling for six months or less, or intends to remain living there and has no other place to take up residence. In the same way, whoever are temporarily absent from the dwelling for circumstantial reasons but his absence will not exceed six months.

Non  habitual dwellings resident. It is the person or group of people who are temporarily living in the dwelling under special or circumstantial reasons, and that have lived in the selected dwelling for six months or less at the time of the interview, but whose fixed residence is a different dwelling in or out of the country. It is worth noting these residents will only be taken into account for specific studies and not for the final analysis.

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